
Walden Pond, Massachusetts

There are many different places of power around the world. They’re invisible openings to other worlds. We find a preponderance of these places in the Himalayas, in the western part of the United States, of course. Literally in every country of the world there’s some.

I’m a great believer in the positive power of nature. I think the really exciting things happen when we go out for a walk by ourselves in the woods. Nature purifies us.

The experience that we have as we walk and look at trees and leaves, or snow, whatever the condition of the weather may be, washes us.

Our lives are colored by our environment. Our attention fields are colored by it. When we go out and we walk around in the wilds of nature and we tromp down leaves and walk down paths an aliveness comes into our being, a sense of wellness, a sense of the simple and terrific beauty of the earth.

Nature. Enjoy it on the planet Earth while it lasts. There are different types of meditation. There’s a type of meditation that involves just walking.

Nature will soothe us, nature will still the thoughts. Nature soothes us. Nature heals us.

The woods are a place of power. Any woods that are still surviving on this planet, those are powerful areas.

It’s a very important thing for anyone who seeks the transcendental experience to spend a few hours every other day in nature, just out there tromping around.

Your time spent in nature will enable you to loosen up a little bit and to feel the oversoul, to feel those different layers of consciousness and attention.

Walking in the woods, it’s easier to be alone.

In the streets of the city, just the volume and broadcast base of the thought forms that emanate from human beings are so strong.

But the trees actually act as a field of absorption.

Nature actually absorbs a certain amount of the thought energy that human beings generate, so you can have a little peace of mind. 

The earth renews itself constantly. The green belt of the earth generates oxygen for living beings to breathe. Without the green world, of course, none of us would be here.

The earth cleanses itself through rain. It shifts its attention through earthquakes, creates new continents, dissolves old continents.

The earth is alive. We are alive. Our bodies are constantly changing. We’re breathing, transpiring, creating cells, cells are dying.

We’re a universe and our awareness is limitless.

Take yourself on out for a walk, get out of your problems and turmoil and go walking.

Go saunter down into the woods, walk along a path or a quiet lane or through a park.

Send your good wishes to the universe.

Spread your good will everywhere, and you’ll find that your life will transform, your body will be energized, hope will fill your being because you are now moving into a different field of attention.

Renew your friendship with nature. It’s time now for nature.

Nature is the endless reflective pattern of existence in eternity.

So this is so long from Rama, in the transcendental reality with lots of beings in and around the truck at Walden Pond, on the 15th of August.