Electronic Tribe

Nantucket, Massachusetts



I’m on the island of Nantucket. Nantucket is an island off the coast of Massachusetts, along the Eastern Seaboard of what they call North America.

Love unites the worlds; it’s all that stands between us. Order is the creation of man. Chaos is the natural condition. Chaos is perfection. There is only awareness. Don’t be afraid of it. Learn to live on the edge and enjoy it because that’s all there is. There’s only eternity, and you’re it — part of everything that’s ever been or will ever be, beyond abstraction, beyond conception. 

We’re a tribe, a network, cruising the galaxy. We’re enlightenment. We are enlightenment. And we’re bound together by perfection, realization and awareness. 

We are the electronic tribe. Back again for another show before we hit the road and head out again to strange and perfect universes. 

What’s a network? A network is a group of beings who travel through time and space and dimensions together.

There are different networks that work the galaxies, the universes.

A network is a tribe. And a tribe, as I mentioned before, is connected by its secrets. A tribe is not a loose collaboration of beings who just get together in a powwow, who live together or work together.


What creates a tribe is a bond, a sharing of secrets. Not a secret that could ever be told in any words, but a secret that’s much too wonderful for that — a secret that can only be told by the unfolding of one’s life, specifically, your life. 

This message is addressed to those of you who are part of the network, the tribe of awareness. Those of you who seek to find yourselves. You lie in other dimensions. You live there. This is only a small fraction of your being that’s here in this body, in this time and space, on this planet. 

The network of enlightenment is the electronic tribe in this world.

I’m part of an ancient tribe of guardian beings who have a particular job in the universe. We keep the dimensional planes open. We guard the secret power places that exist between dimensions. 

The network of enlightenment is a very wide network. It’s not relegated to a simple type of being. Countless forms make up this network. But in this world, there are few of us now. 

So then, here we are. I’m on the island of Nantucket.