Continental Divide, Colorado



Hello power lovers. I am here today on top of the Continental Divide, 11,500 feet up above the earth.

The world has an ending and a beginning. It begins with you and it ends with you. The end of this world occurs when you make a major transition in attention — when you move from one world into another, from one reality into another. Everything is dependent upon energy. Energy is attention. Attention is awareness. 

Power. Power is what’s required to change the universe — to change yourself into what you might like to be.

At this moment, you can measure your power in your ability to stop thought. The longer you can stop thought, the more powerful you are. When you stop thought, you shift planes of reality.


The longer you can suspend thought, the more permanent the shifts inside yourself, in your awareness. Not only for those moments in which there is no thought but for those moments after, for those days, those weeks, for that life and for the next life. When thought stops, power increases. 

There are many ways to store power. You can visit places of power, special locations on the earth that are charged with power. You can be around powerful people. You can read the writings, listen to the tapes or read about beings of power. In other words, anything that puts you in touch with power — exercise, certain types of food, fasting, breaking up routines, specific ways of dreaming, certain ways of looking at life — there are many, many ways to shift one’s attention, to be more or less powerful.


The United States is divided into power zones. That is to say, the eastern part of the country on the eastern side of the Continental Divide is one power sector. The lines of energy, the magnetic lines of energy, run in specific directions and they run in almost the opposite direction on the western side of the Continental Divide.

The Divide itself is the point where the energy meets. It’s like two rivers merging — at the point of merging there’s a great deal of activity.

I’m up at the top of the Continental Divide in a power spot. The sun is going over the mountains now, and there are just a few hazy purple clouds in the background. The sky is fairly clear. The moment of sunset is the moment when the doorway opens to eternity.

The sunset — it’s neither dark nor light — and the sunrise are the moments of transition. And moments of transition are a time when the ring of our awareness falls away for a moment and we can see eternity more clearly.