Kundalini Yoga

Haleakala, Maui



I’m on the top of the world, 10,000 feet in Hawaii, on top of the Haleakala volcano.

I’m just above the cloud line.

All around me lava rocks, filled with power and energy. 

I’d like to talk to you about kundalini yoga, the yoga of power and energy.

The volcano is the symbol of power.

The lava sits waiting, the power of the earth.

And in a moment, lava will shoot forward and erupt.

The path of kundalini yoga is the path of eruption, sudden spurts of energy.

Kundalini yoga is the yoga of transmutation.

The principles are simple. It’s possible to access the energy and bring that energy and power up through yourself into your being. And as you bring it into your being, it will spread and radiate throughout your entire body. 

There is a particular path that the kundalini follows: the shushumna. It’s the central nerve tube.

Kundalini yoga is the study of energy: its management, its flow, its highs and its lows.  But specifically, kundalini is a flow of power.  And when we diagram it, we say that it runs from the base of the spine up to the top of the head. 

There are seven chakras, gateways to the kundalini.

There is a chakra at the navel.

There is a chakra in the center of the chest, at about the elevation of the heart.

There is a chakra between the eyebrows and slightly above. The third eye.

I’m here at 10,000 feet on the island of Maui. The clouds are moving and shifting beneath me. And so our lives shift.

The characters in our lives come and go. Our emotions. Fleeting, beautiful, agonizing. 

Kundalini is control. Perfect control. Control of everything, from within. 

Right now I’m above the clouds at 10,000 feet, and I can see the blue sky, and I can see for miles and miles. Down underneath those clouds the people of Maui live.

My recommendation is to meditate, and you can meditate on the different chakras and feel what that’s like.

Maui is a beautiful island.